Transect map + Community disaster timeline
For Risk Disaster and Humanitarian Communication
The timeline only showcases a 4 year community disaster timeline because according to one of the barangay officials, our area is not the one that often gets attacked by risks because of effective, well-built, and maintained land area.
The Mitigation process all falls down to preparedness, according to our barangay officials. Without it, they would never be able to function well when facing disasters.
The mitigation procedures/steps that they take are:
1. Communication is key to inform and disseminate vital information in any happenings.
2. An action plan is necessary to create the preparedness aspect to be ready when a risk/hazard/disaster occurs.
3. Knowing the roles of the officials and the people within the vicinity for effective communication and handling.
4. Having all the necessary equipment visible and ready to be dispatched (first aids kits, oxygen tanks, barangay service mobiles, information pamphlets, evac centers etc.
5. Supervision on pre-actual-post disaster procedures along with risk evaluations and endorsements towards government institutions and CDRRMO localities.
6. Always engage into assessing a risk or hazard with a plan, free-handing it is never an option.
Link for google map reference:,120.5771832,3a,75y,289.78h,90.09t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDYg3uGckLd16Oh-E6y8x7Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Words and illustrations by Gabriel Madriaga